Please refer to the Settings Guide for details.
10.15 Switch/Lamp Parts Settings Guide
For details on how to draw parts, and defining the address, shape, color, and labels, please see the parts editing topic.
8.7.1 Editing Parts
Create a Switch to turn ON a Bit Address (M100) only when the designated Bit Address (M105) is OFF.
On the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Switch Lamp], and select [Bit Switch (B)], or click to place a switch on the screen.
Double-click the placed Switch part. The following dialog box appears.
In [Select Shape], select the Switch shape.
From [Bit Action] choose [Bit Set].
Open the [Switch Common] tab and select the [Enable Addresses] check box.
In [Interlock Address], set the bit address (M105) to enable/disable touch, and for the [Touch Enable Condition] select [Enable when Bit is OFF].
As needed, set the color and display text on the [Color] and [Label] tabs, and click [OK].
Depending on the shape, you may not be able to change the color.
When you select a switch and press the [F2] key, you can directly edit the text on the label. When [Text Table] is selected, you can change the current Text Table.
If you want the color and label to change when it is Interlocked, select the [Show Interlocked Condition] check box in the [Switch Common] tab's [Extended] view. Then, in the [color] and [Label] tabs, from the [Select State] field you can select [Interlocked] and define the interlocked state's colors and label.