New - Device/PLC Settings

Click [Next] after the setting the display and the following dialog box appears. Select the Device/PLC.


Set the device/PLC.

Number of Devices/PLCs

Defines the number of device/PLC drivers. The number of units that can be connected varies depending on the display unit.
1.5 Supported Features


Select the device/PLC maker name.


Select the series for the device/PLC selected in [Maker].

Recent Device/PLC

Displays the maker name and series name of up to three devices/PLCs recently specified in the [New Project File] dialog box. Click each display to specify the [Maker] and [Series].

Use System Area

Designate whether or not to assign the display unit's internal system data area to the device/PLC.
5.4.6 System Settings [Display Unit] - [System Area] Settings Guide

Refer to the manual of this Device/PLC

Displays the page in "GP-Pro EX Device Connection Manual" that describes the device/PLC selected.

Connection Method

Set the connection method of the display unit and device/PLC.


Select the port to be allocated to the device/PLC from [COM1], [COM2], [USB/SIO(RS422/485)], [Ethernet (UDP)], [Ethernet (TCP)].

Device Information

Displays the top page of the "GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual".