23.10.3 Fingerprint Recognition Setting Tool

In the fingerprint recognition setup tool, you can register level, user ID, password and fingerprint data.

To register a new user, from the [File] menu, click [New] and enter the login ID and password. The security level is set to 15.
To change already registered security information, from the [File] menu click [Open], specify the security file, and then enter the login ID and password.

Level/User ID/Password

Up to 100 passwords can be registered.

When logged in with security level 15, you can display and edit the security information of all registered users.
When logged in with a security level below 15, you can view and edit the security information of users who are already logged in, as well as the security information of users with a security level less than you.

Up to eight single-byte characters can be used for Password and User ID input. Passwords and User ID are case-sensitive.
Passwords are displayed as "*".


Displays a check mark showing fingerprint registration. A check mark is displayed when the fingerprint is registered.

The fingerprint registration screen appears when a check mark is placed in [Fingerprint] for a user that has not registered a fingerprint. Register the fingerprint following the displayed message prompts.

If you uncheck the box, the fingerprint is deleted.


Click to re-login.

Compare with fingerprint recognition unit

Compares setting information of the connected EZ fingerprint recognition unit database and fingerprint recognition setup tool.

Update fingerprint recognition unit database

Information set in the fingerprint recognition setup tool is overwritten in the EZ fingerprint recognition unit database. To perform fingerprint recognition, it is necessary to transfer the setting information also to the display unit using GP-Pro EX.


Adds a row. Click to add a user.

You can add security information below the security level you logged in at. When logged in at security level 15, you can add all levels of security information.


Delete the selected row. Click to delete a user.