Stays in standby receive mode until it receives specified text. After the timeout period has expired, Bit 4 (Receive time-out error) of Status [s: EXT_SIO_STAT] is set. The timeout duration can be set in 100 millisecond increments.
The system is in standby receive mode until it receives the character string or character code specified with Parameter 2. Configure the timeout duration with Parameter 3.
It can only be used in an Extended Script.
IO_READ_WAIT([p:EXT_SIO], Text, Time-out)
Parameter 1: [p:EXT_IO]
Parameter 2: Numeric Value, Text, Data Buffer
Parameter 3: Numeric value, Internal Device, Temporary address
The received data cannot be used until the specified text is received. (Otherwise, the data is abandoned.)
Up to 128 characters (bytes) can be specified. Note that the standby receive operation cannot be performed successfully when strings exceeding the limit are specified.
The timeout time setup range is 1 to 600. If you define zero, you cannot receive or wait to receive. Also, the status of bit 4 (receive timeout error) will not turn ON.