Label Settings


This control variable is used to clear the Send buffer, Receive buffer, and error status. This control variable is write-only.

When designating a bit [c:EXT_SIO_CTRL**](**:00 to 15)
When designating a word [c:EXT_SIO_CTRL]

Example expression:

When designating a bit [c:EXT_SIO_CTRL00] = 1

When designating a word [c:EXT_SIO_CTRL]= 0x0007

Contents of EXT_SIO_CTRL


Status includes the following information.
This status variable is write-only.

When designating a bit [c:EXT_SIO_STAT**](**:00 to 15)
When designating a word [s:EXT_SIO_STAT]

Example expression:

When designating bit if([s:EXT_SIO_STAT00] == 1)

When designating word if(([s:EXT_SIO_STAT] & 0x0001) <> 0)

Contents of EXT_SIO_STAT

Received Data Size

Shows the quantity of data (number of bytes) received at that time. The received data size is read-only.