25.10.1 Sampling Data Display - Basic

Group Number

Set the sampling group number you want to display on the screen from among the sampling groups created in [Common] - [Sampling].

Block Number Specification Address

When the designated sampling group has multiple blocks, this address will designate which block's data will be displayed. Block numbers are specified in Bin format.

You can change the displayed data by changing the block number stored here.

Display Rows

Set the number of lines to be displayed on the screen from 1 to 50.

Display Columns

Set the number of columns to be displayed on the screen from 1 to 25.


Select the spacing between rows and columns displayed on the screen from 0 to 10 pixels. This can only be set when the [Data Border] is set to [No Border]. When drawing a ruled line freely, draw a line within the width of the spacing so that it may not overlap the cells.

Edit Data

Specify whether or not displayed data can be edited. If this is designated, touching a displayed Date/Time or numeric value cell on the screen directly will allow you to change the value.


When [Edit Data] is designated, select whether to use the Interlock feature (allows data editing only when a condition is satisfied).

Use an Address

This function only allows input when a bit designated via [Interlock Address] is in a state that has been selected via [Touch Enable Condition]. Select the check box to use Interlock.


Specify the bit address that represents an Enable condition for allowing cell touch. Touch is enabled (disabled) depending on the state of this address.

Touch Enable Condition

Select the enable condition for allowing the cell touch

Touch Enable Condition

Address Status

Touch Enabled/Disabled

When Bit is ON


Touch enabled


Touch disabled

When Bit is OFF


Touch disabled


Touch enabled

  • When [Touch Enable Condition] of the interlock is disabled while editing data on the screen, the Edit Data mode will be canceled.

Use Security Level

Select whether to use the security function for each part. When logged in with a Security Level higher than that set for the part, Touch Operation will be enabled.


Set the Security Level of the part from 1 to 15.

Interlock-Touch Warning Sound

Confirms touch is disabled when a warning sound occurs when touching while interlock is on (when touch is disabled)

Data Border

Select the type of data border from [No Border], [Border], or [Border with Item Name Fields].

Clear Color

Select a color for the portion with no text displayed.


Select the blink and blink speed.

Calculation Part Scroll

Designate whether or not to scroll the calculation data portion together with the data portion. If this is not designated, the data calculation portion will be displayed on the screen.

This cannot be set when [Overwrite old data when designated block count finishes] is set to the sampling data. The calculation data is not scrolled.

Get Operation Log

Specifies whether to record the Operation Log. You can specify only when you select the [Edit Data] check box.