25.12.4 Sampling Data Display

Data is displayed on a Sampling Data Display on the screen of display unit every time sampling occurs.

Display behavior changes depending on the [Display Order] in the [Display Settings] tab of the Sampling Data Display.

The last sampled data always displays on the first line. When new data is sampled, old data moves down in order.

The first sampled data displays on the first line. New sampled data is added to the last line. When the sample data exceeds the [Display Rows] in the [Basic Settings] tab, the new data will not display. You can verify the new data by scrolling down the display data.

If the [Overwrite old data after finishing the specified number of cycles] check box is not selected in the Mode tab, only the sampling data from the block number stored in the [Block Number Storage Address] will be displayed. When the last data from the block is displayed, the display will not be updated again.

To display another block's data, change the value in the [Block Completed Bit Address] and the display will change.