26.13.1 Procedure - Transferring Recipes (Filing Data) Using Touch (Manual Transfer)

On the screen's Special Data Display [Filing], the following settings show how to designate and transfer the recipes by touching them.

  1. From the [Common Settings (R)] menu, point to [Recipe (R)] and select [Transfer Filing Data (Mode) (A)] or click . The following window appears.

  2. Select the [Enable Filing Data Feature] check box.

  3. In [Control Word Address], set the address. Two consecutive words are used, starting from the set address.
    In [Write Completion Bit Address], set the address

  4. Open the screen editor. From the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Special Data Display (P)] and select [Filing (F)]. Place the Part on the screen.

  5. Double-click the new Special Data Display. The settings dialog box appears.

  6. In [ID Number], set the number of the Special Data Display [Filing].

    • When displaying multiple Special Data Displays [Filing] on the screen, be sure not to use the same [ID Number].

  7. In [File Number], set the file number of the Special Data Display [Filing] you want to display.
    All the item names contained in the file designated here can be displayed in a list and transferred.

  8. Select the [Display] tab. Set the [Font] and [Display Format].

  9. Select the [Color] tab and set the text and background color.

  10. Select the [Switch] tab and select the operation switches you want to place.
    Set the number of rows that a scroll switch moves when pressed.
    Select the shapes, label and text color, and click [OK (O)].

    • Depending on the switch type, [Switch Color] may be enabled.

    • When you select a switch and press the [F2] key, you can directly edit the text on the label.

    Special Data Display Part [Filing] is now configured. You can move the switches to the appropriate locations.

    • If you want to save filing data in backup memory (SRAM) to external storage, in the System Settings, select [Display Unit] and click the [Mode] tab. In the [Memory Card Settings] area select the [Save Data] check box and define the [Control Word Address].
      The Control Word Address works the same way as saving Alarm History.
      20.8.2 Control Word Address for Data Save