The area groups the text's font settings.
Font Type
Choose a font type from [Standard Font] and [Stroke Font].
Standard Font
This is a bitmap font. Choose the character height and width magnification ratio. When you magnify/shrink characters, the outline may become rough or the letters may appear compressed.
Stroke Font
This is an outline font in which the ratio of the character height/width is fixed. The letters will have a smooth outline even if you magnify/shrink them. However, this font uses more disk space on the display unit.
Set a display font size.
Standard Font
Specify "Width x Height" between [8 x 8] to [64 x 128] in 8 pixel units.
For single-byte characters, select a fixed size from [6 x 10], [8 x 13], [13 x 23].
Stroke Font
6 to 127 pixels
Go to Enhanced Recipe Settings
Closes the [Enhanced Recipe List] dialog box and opens the [Common Settings] menu's [Enhanced Recipe] screen.
When defining [Specify Default Group Number], the specified recipe group (Recipe Group1) tab is displayed.
26.23.2 Recipe Group (Recipe Group 1) Settings Guide
If no recipe groups are specified or the specified recipe group does not exist, the [Enhanced Recipe Group List] tab appears where you can create a new recipe group.
26.23.1 Enhanced Recipe Group Settings Guide