26.10.4 About Automatic Numbering

When automatically transferring from the device/PLAN to an external storage device, you can automatically allocate file numbers to create new files. To set up this function, open the [CSV Data Transfer Condition] dialog box and click the [Extended] tab.

The automatic numbering action is as follows:

When you enable the [Loop] feature, after the [End] is reached, data is overwritten starting from the [Start] and the transfer continues.
For example, when the Condition are: [Start] = 0, [End] = 4

When the [End] is reached and the designated [Resume Bit Address] turns ON, then the next time the [Control Word Address] turns ON, the [Start] file gets overwritten and the other files after that are overwritten and transferred.

Automatic Numbering Timing Chart

When you create files from [Start] to [End], the [Full Bit Address] turns ON and automatic transfer ends.

To run automatic transfer again, turn ON the [Resume Bit Address], then turn ON bit 1 of the [Control Word Address]. Files are overwritten and created in order starting from the [Start].

When the [Resume Bit Address] turns ON, the [Full Bit Address] is turned OFF. Check that the [Full Bit Address] is turned OFF and turn OFF the [Resume Bit Address].