M.16.6.9 Maintenance Menu - Input Equipment Check

When the input equipment does not operate, you can run self-diagnosis to determine whether there is a problem with the display unit.

Tower Light

Fingerprint Recognition Unit

Illumination Switch

Tower Light


Check to see if the EZ tower light lights properly. Select each of the lighting patterns for [Upper], [Middle], [Lower] as well as the lighting color.


Select the EZ tower light lighting color from [Red], [Green], [Blue], and [Amber].

Lighting pattern

Select the EZ tower light lighting pattern.

[Light] : Normally lit

[Flash (Slow)] : Flashes On/Off every 500ms (1 second cycles)

[Flash (Fast)] : Flashes On/Off every 250ms (500ms cycles)


By setting to [On], the EZ tower light lights according to the set [Color] and [Lighting pattern].


Check to see if the EZ tower light buzzer sounds properly. Select the buzzer sound pattern, volume and tone.


Set the buzzer sound pattern to be heard from the EZ tower light.

[Continuous] : Continuous (beep.......)

[Intermittent 1] : Intermittent (beep, beep, beep)

[Intermittent 2] : Intermittent 2 (beep/beep/beep/beep/beep/beep/beep/beep)

[Intermittent 3] : Intermittent tone 3 (5 short beeps...5 short beeps...)


Select from [High], [Middle], [Low] for the buzzer sound volume to be heard from the EZ tower light.


Set the buzzer sound tone to be heard from the EZ tower light.

[Treble]: High

[Bass]: Low


By setting to [On], the EZ tower light buzzer sounds according to the set [Pattern], [Level] and [Tone].

Fingerprint Recognition Unit


Check that fingerprint registration and recognition can be performed properly. Operate the EZ fingerprint recognition unit by following the message prompts.

Illumination Switch


Check to see if the EZ illumination switch lights properly. Select the color and lighting pattern for each switch lamp.


Select the EZ illumination switch color from [Blue], [Green], [Light Blue], [Red], [Pink], [Amber], [White], and [Violet].


Select the EZ illumination switch lighting pattern from [None], [Low], [Medium], and [High].


Setting to On lights the lamp according to the [Color] and [Blink] that is set.

Switch Status

Check to see if the EZ illumination switch operates properly.


The display becomes highlighted by pressing the EZ illumination switch.