30.15.4 Function Block [Variable List] Settings Guide

Create FB-specific variables in the Function Block (FB) editing screen.

Variable tabs

Local variables can be used within FB only. They are used to store values. You can register up to 512 local variables.

Input variables are input operands that receive parameters from the Logic Screen. You can register up to 63.

You cannot specify them as an instructions' output operand.

Output variables are output operands that pass parameters to the Logic Screen. You can register up to 63.

You cannot specify them as an instructions' input operand.


Specifies the variable name within 32 characters


Sets the variable type. Variable Type

  • You cannot specify [Timer], [Counter], and [PID] variable settings for input variables and output variables.


Select whether or not to use the variable as an array.


When [Array] is set, set its number of elements.


Type a comment within 32 characters.

This is displayed as a tooltip when you focus the variable on the Function Block screen.

Move Up/Down

Changes the order of variables. They are displayed only when you select [Input Variable] or [Output Variable] tab.

When you select and click a variable, the selected variable moves up or down in the list. By changing the order of variables, you can adjust the order of operands.

You can easily change the type of variables registered in the variable list by moving them to a different variable tab using the pop-up menu which opens when you right-click them.