Package - Subroutine

Once the subroutine is created, you can register it in a package, and place the registered subroutine in the Logic Screen.

Registering a Subroutine to a Package

  1. Open the [Package] window with the Logic Screen open.

  2. Select a package file in the [Package] window. The subroutine will be registered to this package. (For example: Favorite)

    • If you select [New] when selecting a package file, you can create a new package file.

  3. For the package's [Type], select [Subroutine].

  4. Select the subroutine you want to register with the package in the [Screen List] window, and drag and drop it to the [Package].

  5. Now, the subroutine is registered with the package.

    • To edit the [Name] and [Title] of the subroutine, select the subroutine registered with package and click [Change].

Using a Subroutine Registered with the Package

  1. Open the [Package] window with the Logic Screen open.

  2. Select the package file in which the desired subroutine is registered, and select [Subroutine] from [Type].

  3. Select the subroutine you want to use in the [Package] window, and drag and drop it to the [Screen List] window.

    • You can also insert a subroutine directly by dragging and dropping it from [Package] to the Logic Screen. In this case, the subroutine is also registered in the [Screen List] window.

    • When the subroutine selected in the [Package} has the same name as one of the subroutines registered in the [Screen List] window, a confirmation dialog box opens where you can select either to overwrite existing one, or to register with a new name. However, if there are already 32 subroutines in the [Screen List], you can select only [Overwrite].

  4. In the Logic Screen, place subroutines registered in the Screen List window.