Please refer to the Settings Guide for details.
15.6.2 Keypad Screen Settings Guide Keypad Screen
14.11 Data Display Settings Guide
For details on how to draw parts, and defining the address, shape, color, and labels, please see the parts editing topic.
8.7.1 Editing Parts
From the [Screen] menu, select [New Screen], or click to open the [New Screen] dialog box.
From the [Screens of Type], select [Keypad]. Set [Screen Number] and [Title] and click [New]. (For example, [Screen Number] 1, [Title] test)
The keypad screen is displayed.
From the [View (V)] menu, select [Package] or click to display the [Package List] dialog box.
When [Keypad (B)] is selected from the [Parts (P)] menu, the [Package] dialog box displays, from which it can also be selected.
Select the package name (for example, DEC Keypad) that is registered with the keypad you want to use, click [Open], and the [Package] dialog box appears.
Select a keypad to use and place it on the keypad screen.
Adjust the size of the Clear Area.
Drag the Resize Boundary pins located at the four corners of the screen to change the size.
[Clear Area] is the area that overwrites and hides the previously displayed keypad.
15.6.2 Keypad Screen Settings Guide
Customize the keypad as needed, such as modifying the key layout and size.
Place a part for Input display on the customized keypad. From the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Data Display (D)] and select [Input Display (I)] to place it on the screen.
You can place only one Input display part on a screen. Error messages will be displayed when you attempt to place the second part.
Double-click the drawn Input Display part to open the settings dialog box.
If necessary, set the color of the Input display part and text to be displayed, and click [OK].
Place a part for Limit Value display on the customized keypad. From the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Data Display (D)] and select [Show Limit Value (W)] to place it on the screen.
You can place only one Limit Value display part on a screen. Error messages will be displayed when you attempt to place the second part.
Double-click the placed Limit Value display part to open the setting dialog box.
As needed, set the color of the Limit Value display part and text to be displayed, and click [OK].
Click the [Base 1] tab to move to the base screen.
Configure settings to use the custom keypad with a Data Display. From the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Data Display (D)] and select [Numeric Display (N)], or click the icon, and place it on the screen.
Double-click the placed element. The Data Display dialog box appears.
Click [Select Shape] and select the appropriate shape.
In [Monitor Word Address], set the address
In the [Data Type] drop-down list, set the type of data to display.
Select the [Allow Input] check box. Once you select the [Allow Input] check box, the [Data Entry] tab appears and you can enter numeric data.
Click the [Data Entry] tab and the following appears. Select the [Enable Popup Keypad] check box.
Select the [Use keypad screens] option and in the [Screen Number] field define keypad screen number.
Click the [Edit] button. The keypad screen specified in the [Screen Number] opens. If there is no keypad with the specified screen number, [New Screen] opens.
As required, set the Data Display color and text on the [Color/Alarm] and [Display] tabs, and click [OK].