17.5.1 Procedure - Displaying the Same Message on Multiple Display Units (Bulletin Messages)

  1. In the [Project] menu, click [System Settings], and click [Display Unit]. In the Display Unit dialog box, click the [Mode] tab.

  2. From the [Global Window Operation] menu, select [Indirect].

  3. Select [Enable Bulletin Messages] check box.

  4. Specify the start word address

  5. From the [Screen] menu, select [New Screen] or click to open the New Screen dialog box. From the [Screen Type] menu, select [Windows Screens].

  6. Enter a value in [Screen Number] and [Title] and click [New] to open a new screen. The window is displayed.

  7. Point the mouse cursor to resize boundary in the four corners of the screen, and drag it to change the size of the Window screen.

  8. From the [Parts (P)] menu, select [Message Display (M)] or click . Place the Part on the screen.

  9. Double-click the new Message Display. The following dialog box appears. Click [Bulletin Message].

  10. In [Start Word Address], set the address (LS100) to trigger the message display.

  11. Set the background [Clear Color] and [Blink] for the background of the display area, and click [OK].