To display the footer editing area, from the [View (V)] menu, select [Footer (F)] or click the [Edit Footer] button at the bottom of the screen editor.
To display the header editing area, from the [View (V)] menu, select [Header (H)] or click the [Edit Header] button at the top of the screen editor.
Draw in the footer editing area.
To delete the created footer, click .
To create another footer, click the [Next Footer] button , or click the [Select Footer] button
and in the footer list click [New].
Click the [Disable footer edit] button to close the footer area.
You can create up to 20 headers and 20 footers.
When using Call Screen, you can nest 9 levels of headers and footers, which results in 10 layers.
You can specify a comment in each header/footer screen. The comment is displayed in the bottom right corner of a header/footer screen. to specify a comment, from the [View (V)] menu, point to [Work Space (W)] and select [Properties (P)]. In the Properties' dialog box, enter your comments.
If you change from a high resolution display unit to a low resolution model, the headers and footers are not scaled down. After changing the display model, you need to adjust the header/footer size and position.