Procedure - Changing Parts Attributes / Common Attributes On Screen Editor at One Time

To change common attributes all at once, you can select all the parts that have the same features.

  1. Click the [Properties] tab in the Work Space.

    • If the [Properties] tab is not displayed in the work space, from the [View (V)] menu, point to [Work Space (W)] and select [Properties (P)].

  2. While holding the [Shift] key, use the mouse to select the object that you want to change its attributes.

  3. The setting detail displays when the items have the same setting. When they differ, a blank space displays.

  4. When you enter a setting in the blank space, the attributes for all the selected parts change to that setting.


    • Depending on the shape of the switch lamp parts, you may not be able to change the color all at once.

    • When you select various types of objects or select grouped objects, you can only change their coordinates.