Copies multiple pictures at a time.
Right-click the object and click [Duplicate (W)]. [Duplicate] dialog box appears. Set the number of copies and copy direction.
You can automatically assign the next consecutive address after the source part's address to the destination part.
When the [Pixels Between] is set to 0, objects (except for polylines) are copied overlapping by 1 pixel in both, X and Y directions.
When polylines are grouped, they are also overlapped by 1 pixel in both, X and Y directions.
Specify Range
Select how to specify the area from [Disable], [Set Up Using the Mouse] and [Set Up Interval].
Set Using the Mouse
Using the defined interval, makes copies that fit into the range.
Set Up Interval
Set the number of pixels between objects, from 0 to 99.
X direction
Set the number of display positions in the X direction from 1 to 99.
Set the number of pixels between objects, from 0 to 99.
Y direction
Set the number of display positions in the Y direction from 1 to 99.
Set the number of pixels between objects, from 0 to 99.
Copy Direction
Select the display direction from ,
When you add addresses, sequential addresses are assigned in the specified direction according to the address addition width.
Duplicate Comment
The copy source comment is used in all copies.
Automatically Increment Addresses
You can assign sequential addresses from the copy-from addresses according to the [Increment Each Address by].
Designates an address interval. When the copy-from addresses are Bit addresses, addresses are added by the Bit. When the copy-from addresses are Word addresses, addresses are incremented in word units.
Select addresses to automatically increment from the list.
The copy-from addresses are simply copied and set.