8.13.1 Displaying Marks as Text

This section describes the procedure to display "III" drawn with dots.

  1. From the [Common Settings (R)] menu, click [Mark Registration (M)]. Select [New], and enter the mark number "8010" in the [Number] which corresponds to the character ë (89h) in the character code table, and click [New].
    8.13.2 About Displaying Characters Not Available in Character Code Table

  2. Draw a special character. Create "III" to display on the screen.

  3. Click the [Base 1] tab, select the [Draw (D)] menu, and then select [Text (S)].

  4. Place the text on the screen, and double-click it to open the [Text] dialog box.

  5. In the text input area, while holding down the [Alt] key, type the [Input Code] "0235", which corresponds to text code (89h). Upon releasing the [Alt] key, ë is input. Click [OK].
    8.13.2 About Displaying Characters Not Available in Character Code Table

    • The character placed on the drawing screen displays as "ë". However, on the screen display transferred to the display unit, "III" will display.