Configure font settings for the Input Display.
Font Type
Choose a font type for the Input Display from [Standard Font] or [Image Font].
Stroke Font and Standard Font
Standard Font
You can specify the vertical and horizontal dimensions of a character in bitmap fonts. When you magnify/shrink characters, the outline may become rough or the letter may appear compressed.
Stroke Font
This is an outline font where the ratio of the character height/width is fixed. The letters will have a smooth outline even if you magnify/shrink them. However, this font uses more disk space on the display unit.
If entered text code and the text code set at Input Display do not match, text may not be displayed properly.
Choose a font size for the Input Display.
Standard Font
(8 to 64)×(8 to 128)
Standard Font (Fixed Size)
Choose from [6x10], [8x13], or [13x23] (Displays single-byte characters only)
Stroke Font
6 to 127
Text Attributes
Select the text attributes.
Standard Font
Choose from [Standard], [Bold], [Shadow]
(When using the fixed font size [6x10], select either [Standard] or [Shadow].)
Stroke Font
Choose from [Standard], [Bold], [Outline]
When using [Auto-size Font] with either [7-segment Display] or [Stroke Font], the [Text Attribute] cannot be defined.
Image Font
Window font will be converted to bitmap images and displayed on a display unit.
Select Font
Define the font, and set [Style], [Size], and [Font Set]. Depending on the font, the [Style], [Size], and [Font Set] that can be set will differ.
A proportional font cannot be selected.
For Input Display Parts, single-byte alphabetical characters, numeric characters, and some symbols are automatically registered as text. If you would like to display or add other characters, click [Character Registration]
If you enter unregistered characters, they will not display properly.
Total Display Digits
Select the number of digits to display in the numeric display. Numbers after the decimal point are included in the display digits. However, the decimal point is not included in the display digits.
Fixed Position
Select this option to display the numeric value in the center of the part.
Character Registration
The System Settings [Font] opens. Register text to be displayed in the Text Display from [Image Font] - [Character Registration].
When [Image Font] is selected, this setting is available.
The Text Display's dialog box will close.
7-segment Display
Select this option to show values as a 7-segment display.
This cannot be set when [Image Font] is selected.
This can be set only when [Text Attribute] is selected as [Standard].
This option is not available when a [Fixed Size] is selected in the font [Size] list.
Auto-size Font
For use with the Stroke Font, select this option to display the value without the top and bottom margins.
This cannot be set when [Standard Font] or [Bitmap Font] is selected.
This setting is unavailable for [7-segment Display].
Select the blink and blink speed. You can choose different blink settings for the [Border Color], [Numeric Value Color], [Shadow Color], [Plate Color], and [Pattern Color].
Depending on your display unit's model and [Color] settings, you may not be able to set Blink (from the [Project] menu, point to [System Settings] and click [Display Unit]).
1.6 Supported Colors
Border Color
Set the border color for the Input Display Part.
Depending on the shape selected, you may not be able to set the color.
Numeral Value Color
Set the text color for the Input Display Part.
Shadow Color
Set the shadow color for the Input Display Part.
Depending on the shape selected, you may not be able to set the color.
Plate Color
Set a background color for the Input Display part.
Select a background pattern for the Input Display Part.
Pattern Color
Select a background pattern color for the Input Display Part.