Address Conversion Method Settings Guide

On the [Change Device/PLC] dialog box, click [Change Specifying Address Conversion], and the following dialog box appears. You can specify an Address Conversion Range when changing device/PLC models.

Before Change

Displays the maker and series of the old PLC.

After Change

Displays the maker and series of the new PLC.


Displays [Word] or [Bit], depending on which is the conversion address type.

Conversion Start

Displays the start value of the device address used before the address conversion.

Conversion End

Displays the end value of the device address used before the address conversion.

Conversion Result

Displays the start value of the device address used after the address conversion.


Add/edit new settings for an address conversion pattern. The following dialog box appears.

Address Type

Choose conversion address type from [Bit] or [Word].

Before Conversion

Displays the maker and series of the old PLC.


Set the source PLC and the start address.


Set the source PLC and the end address.

After Conversion

Displays the maker and series of the new PLC.


Set the destination PLC and the start address.


Delete the address conversion pattern.


Read (Import) or output (Export) the contents of an Address Conversion Pattern.

You can use a previously saved file in CSV format to create an address conversion pattern file (see Export).
Address conversion pattern files can be used in a different project by importing them.


You can export registered address conversion patterns to other applications by saving them in CSV format.
The saved file can then be edited in Microsoft Excel or in other spreadsheet software.


Sample Output to a CSV File

Export data's CSV format is displayed as follows.

Pattern List
File Version,1,0

When the above CSV file is represented in tabular format, it looks as follows.

*1 This is the special text used to identify the address conversion pattern's CSV file.

*2 [Word Address]:0, [Bit Address]:1