7.6.2 Procedure - How to Calculate the Communication Traffic

Create projects so that the total constant communication traffic of connected display units (master display unit, slave display units, GP-Viewer EX) does not exceed 8090. If the total constant communication traffic exceeds the upper limit, the slave unit attempting connection will be refused access. In addition, if the upper limit is exceeded by the master display unit only, slave display units cannot be connected.

Use the following process to check the total communication capacity while drawing.

  1. Calculate the constant communication traffic of each display unit.
    Constant Communication Traffic = 475 (constant screen traffic) + Common Settings constant traffic
    Common Settings constant traffic is the total number of addresses in the common settings: [Alarm Settings], [Sampling Settings] and [Sound Settings]. to check the Constant Communication Traffic, run the error check and make sure error 1516 does not appear.

    • Even if the actual constant screen traffic is less than 475, it is assumed to be 475 when calculating the constant communication traffic.

    • When calculating the constant communication traffic of GP-Viewer EX, do not include the Common Settings constant traffic.

  2. Calculate the total constant communication traffic of all display units.
    If the total constant communication traffic exceeds 8090 (maximum constant traffic), reduce the number of addresses in the Common Settings: [Alarm Settings], [Sampling Settings] and [Sound Settings].

    • You can check the constant communication traffic using the system variable (#H_EtherLink_ConstCommuniMemInfo) on the master display unit.