16.3 Display USB Keyboard Input

You can connect a USB Keyboard to the display unit to input single-byte alphanumeric characters.

16.3.1 Procedure - Display USB Keyboard Input

Keys You Can Input via a USB Keyboard

Key Name


0 to 9

Numeric and character input

a to f

Numeric (HEX) and character input

g to z

Character Input

Tenkey: 0 to 9

Numeric and character input

Tenkey "*"

Character Input

Tenkey "+"

Character Input

Tenkey ","

Character Input

Tenkey "-"

Character Input

Tenkey "."

Numeric input (Float) and character input

Tenkey "/"

Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Numeric input (Float) and character input


Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Character Input


Determine Input


Delete One Character to the Left


Cancel Input


Delete One Character

Space (Blank)

Character Input

Cancel input. Move to the previous Data Display specified in the [Designated Input Order].

Cancel input. Move to the next Data Display specified in the [Designated Input Order].

Move Cursor to the Left

Move Cursor to the Right

You cannot use keys not included in the above table, such as control keys ([Ctrl], [Shift], [Alt], and [Tab]), and function keys ([F1] to [F12]).