Bar Code Reader

Setting for connecting a bar code reader.


Select the port to connect: [COM1], [USB/SIO(RS232C)], or [USB].


Select when connecting to COM1 port.


Select a communication speed from [2400], [4800], [9600], [19200], [38400], [57600] or [115200].

Data Length

Choose the communication data length from [7 bit] or [8 bit].


Select the communication parity bit: [Even], [Odd] or [None].

Stop Bit

Choose the communication stop bit length: [1 bit] or [2 bit].

Flow Control

Select the communication control method: [None], [RTS/CTS Control], or [ER(DTR/CTS) Control].

5V Power Supply

Designate whether or not to set the 5V power supply.


Select when connecting to the USB/SIO(RS232C) port.


Select a communication speed from [2400], [4800], [9600], [19200], [38400], [57600] or [115200].

Data Length

Choose the communication data length from [7 bit] or [8 bit].


Select the communication parity bit: [Even], [Odd] or [None].

Stop Bit

Choose the communication stop bit length: [1 bit] or [2 bit].

Flow Control

If you selected [USB/SIO (RS232C)], [None] is automatically selected, and you cannot select other options.

5V Power Supply

If you selected [USB/SIO (RS232C)], the 5V Power Supply is fixed to [Disable].


Select this when connecting to the USB port.

Key Code Settings

Select the text type that the barcode reader reads: [Japanese 106 Keypad] or [English 101 Keypad].