Alarm Settings (Summary)

Display triggered alarms in a list.

Text Color

Select a color for the message text.

Background Color

Select a background color for the message text.


Select the blink and blink speed. You can choose different blink settings for [Text Color] and [Background Color].


Go to a specific row number.

Auto Allocation

The [Auto Allocation] dialog box appears. Configure settings to allocate addresses from the [Start Address] by specified increments.

Start Address

Set the Bit Address that will start the Auto Allocation.

Added Bits

Set the number of Bit Addresses (from 1 to Alarm limit - Current row position + 1) for Auto Allocation.

Increase Address By

Set the number of bits to add during an Auto Allocation, from 0 to 4096.


Displays the Alarm Message registration number (Row Number).

Bit Address

Set the Bit Address to monitor the alarm trigger. When the Monitoring Bit Address turns ON, the alarm triggers and the Alarm Message is displayed. When the Monitoring Bit Address turns OFF, the alarm recovers and the Alarm Message is erased.


Set an alarm message within 160 single-byte characters.