20.4.1 Procedure - Acknowledging the Alarm History/Bit Monitoring

When the Monitoring Bit Address turns ON, the Alarms are displayed together with their trigger date/time. When the Monitoring Bit Address turns OFF, the recovery time is added on the same row.

  1. From the [Common Settings (R)] menu, select [Alarm (A)], or click . The following screen appears. In [Language], select the alarm message display language.

  1. In the Block Settings, select the check box for the desired display mode (History/Log/Active) for the block to which the message is registered, and set the number of messages stored as history for each mode.

  1. Select [Backup History] and define [Hide Continuing Alarms].

    • When the [Backup History] check box is not selected, the alarm history data will be erased when the display unit is turned OFF or reset.

  1. From the [Block1] tab, select [Bit Monitoring].

  1. In [Bit Address], set the bit address

  1. In the [Trigger Condition] cell, select whether the alarm is triggered when the Monitoring Bit Address turns ON or turns OFF.

  1. In the [Message] cell, input the alarm message that will display when the alarm is triggered.

    • Up to 160 single-byte characters can be registered in a single Alarm Message.

    • When the [Enable Text Table] check box is selected, the message language can be switched and displayed even while the system is running.
      18.3 Changing Text to Other Languages

    • Alarm settings can be exported or imported in CSV format.

  1. Open the screen editor and set the Alarm part which will display the Alarm. In the [Parts (P)] menu, select [Alarm (A)], or click and place the Part on the screen.

  1. Double-click the placed Alarm. The Alarm dialog box appears.

  1. Specify the block to display in Alarm parts and select [History] in the [Display Mode].

    • When [Multiple line display] is selected in the [Message Display Method], messages can be displayed on a separate line from other information such as the trigger date or time. Since the message display area expands, you can quickly verify contents of long messages.

  2. Set the [Display Start Row], [Display Alarms] and [Display Row Spacing].

  3. As needed, use the [Item] tab, [Color] tab, and [Display] tab options to change alarm message's number of display characters, text color, background color, font, and size.