


 Software Update Module / Add-on Software
 > GP-PRO/PB III for Windows Update  > GP-PRO/PB III for Windows Ver. 4.0 New System Update Modules


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GP Model File Name Size Last Updated Update Items
GP-270S, GP-270L GP270_V155b.exe 1,910KB Jun.21,2001 Click here to
view these items
GP-H70S, GP-H70L GPH70_V155b.exe 2,093KB Jun.21,2001
GP-370S, GP-370L GP370_V155b.exe 2,083KB Jun.21,2001
GP-470E, GP-570T, GP-570S, GP-570VM, GP-570L GP570_V155b.exe 2,142KB Jun.21,2001
EXGP-570T EXGP570_V155b.exe 2,142KB Jun.21,2001
GP-571T GP571_V155b.exe 2,139KB Jun.21,2001
GP-675T, GP-675S GP675_V235b.exe 2,143KB Jun.21,2001
GP-870VM GP870_V155b.exe 2,134KB Jun.21,2001
GP-477RE GP477R_V266e.exe 2,606KB Dec.05,2001
GP-577RT, GP-577RS, GLC300T GP577R_V266e.exe 2,602KB Dec.05,2001
EXGP-577RT EXGP577R_V266e.exe 2,603KB Dec.05,2001
GP-377RT GP377R_V266e.exe 2,572KB Dec.05,2001
GP-377S GP377S_V266e.exe 2,326KB Dec.05,2001
GP-377L GP377L_V266e.exe 2,330KB Dec.05,2001
GP-37W2 GP37W2_V266e.exe 2,343KB Dec.05,2001

Opening the file: (This is a self-opening file.)
1. Click on the desired GP series unit to start the download process.
2. After the download to your PC finishes, double-click on the file's icon to start the installer program.
3. After the installer starts, simply follow the instructions given on each screen. This program installs these new GP system programs into your GP-PRO/PB III for Windows "PROTOCOL" folder.

While viewing the property of the downloaded update module, and selecting the "Version Tab", the follwing error will be displayed:
"This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down."

We have confirmed this problem. Please do not view the "Version Tab" of this updated module.
This problem will not effect the updated module which will correctly install the updated files to your computer.

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