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 > GP-Web Update > GP-Web Screen Compiler Ver.1.62 Update Module


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GP-Web consists of two programs, GP-Web Screen Compiler and GP-Web Server, and this update module is for GP-Web Screen Compiler.
Therefore, run this update program only on the PC where GP-Web Screen Compiler has been installed.
(The purchase of GP-Web Ver.1.6 is necessary if you use in a former version. Please refer in detail to our company office.)
- Do not uninstall GP-Web Screen Compiler because this installer overwrites only the parts to be updated.
- Be sure to close programs of GP-Web Screen Compiler before starting installation.
File Name GP-WebCompilerV162.exe
Size 522KB
Update Version GP-Web Screen Compiler Ver.1.62
Original Version GP-Web Compiler Ver.1.6
Update Description
1.The following function have been improved:
- When a screen data in which the character-decoration function is enabled in its S, N, P, and d tag has been compiled by GP-Web Compiler in GP-PRO/PB III C-Package03, executing GP-Web Compiler on it displays an error at screen compile.
2.The following setting were added:
- Support SP2 of Windows® XP Professional Edition and Home Edition.

Installation Procedure (This file is self-extracting.)
1. Click on the link "GP-WebCompilerV162.exe" in the box above to download the file to the desired folder.
2. After the download is finished, double-click on the "GP-WebCompilerV162.exe" file to open it.
3. Follow the installer program's directions.
4. After installing this module, restart your PC.

When "Windows Security Alert" is displayed.
--> For further information, click here.

Last Updated : March 18, 2005
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