Software Update Module / Add-on Software |
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The following Add-on software module is
that even if GP-PRO/PB III is not installed, to allow you to set up
Factory Gateway units to communicate with a PLC or a temperature controller
using only Pro-Server (Ver. 4.02).
- Factory Gateway Usage Notes
*Pro-Server with Pro-Studio is required when operating
the Factory Gateway unit. |
Name |
Pro-ServerV402.exe |
Size |
11,385KB |
Description |
Pro-Server with Pro-Studio
Add-on Software (Ver. 4.02) for Factory
Gateway units. |
Versions |
Pro-Server with Pro-Studio
Ver. 4.0 or 4.01 |
Description |
1. |
Updates the Pro-Server with
Pro-Studio software to Ver. 4.02,
and, even if GP-PRO/PB III is not
installed, allows Factory Gateway
units to be set up to communicate
with a connected controller using
only Pro-Server (Ver. 4.02).
(Factory Gateway Configuration Tool) |
2. |
Corrects the following errors.
- When the PC's monitor resolution is set to VGA [640 x 480], occasionally the
Status Monitor cannot be started up from Pro-Studio.
- After operating for approximately 24 hours, Pro-Server's Auto Polling function
(cache) stops.
*This Update module also includes the Ver. 4.01 Update module. |
Please refer to the following PDF manuals
for Factory Gateway unit operation. |
- Factory Gateway User Manual |
Notes about Installation |
Do not uninstall your currently
installed GP-PRO/PB III or Pro-Server with Pro-Studio software. This
update module overwrites only the program codes that needs to be modified.
It does not install a completely new version of the program.
Prior to installing an Update module, be sure
to quit all applications and resident programs (virus detection, etc.). |
about Pro-Server with Pro-Studio Update Module |
1. |
Prior to installing the Pro-Server Update modules, be sure
to install Pro-Server Ver. 4.0. The Update
modules cannot be installed if Pro-Server Ver. 4.0 is not already
installed. |
2. |
To use Factory Gateway units, driver files for the type of device/PLC
your are using are needed.
Please follow the driver file's installation
instructions to install this software. |
During the Pro-Server Update
module installation, the installer will ask, “Is GP-PRO/PB
III for Windows installed in your computer?” After reading
the following, choose [Yes] or [No].
When GP-PRO/PB III for Windows Ver. 6.0 or later is installed
--> choose [Yes] |
When GP-PRO/PB III for Windows is installed using the "standard
installation", all the necessary driver files have
also been installed. As a result, these Update modules will
skip the driver file installation.
When you are asked to designate the
folder location where GP-PRO/PB III
for Windows is installed, select that folder. The Factory
Gateway Configuration Tool
will then use the driver files in that
Caution: If, by accident, the wrong folder
is designated for GP-PRO/PB III for Windows, Update module
installation will not proceed until the folder where GP-PRO/PB
III for Windows is installed is correctly designated.
When GP-PRO/PB III for Windows is installed
using the "standard installation", the destination
folder location is [C:\Program files\pro-face\ProPBWin\]. |
When GP-PRO/PB III for Windows Ver. 6.0 or
later is installed
--> choose
[No] |
Since no driver files
have been installed yet on the PC,
these Update modules will install driver
files in Pro-Server's installation
The Factory Gateway Configuration Tool
will then use the driver files in that
Important: When GP-PRO/PB
III for Windows is installed using
the "custom installation",
and the driver files required for Factory
Gateway operation are not installed,
choose [No].
If, prior to making a [Yes] or [No]
selection you immediately install the
protocol files required for GP-PRO/PB
III for Windows, you can choose [Yes]
here. |
3. |
How to use the Factory Gateway
Configuration Tool, please refer to the following
PDF manuals.(After Update module installation
is finished, the Factory Gateway Configuration
Tool is installed in the Pro-Server folder.)
- Factory Gateway Configuration Tool Operation Manual |
Last Updated : April.8.2002 |