************************************* GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package01 ************************************* 2002/07/25 test of Japan Foreword Thank you for purchasing GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package01 software. GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package01 is a combined software package of both GP-Pro/PBIII V6.0 for Windows and Pro-Control Editor V4.0. GP-Pro/PBIII V6.0 for Windows software (listed below as "Pro/PBIII V6.0") is designed to create screen data for Pro-face's GP70, GP77R, GP2000, GLC100, GLC300, and GLC2000 Series programmable operator interfaces. Pro-Control Editor V4.0 software (listed below as Pro-Control V4.0) is designed to create ladder logic exclusively for GLC100, GLC300, and GLC2000 Series programmable operator interfaces. ================================= Table of Contents ================================= *Regarding Data Transferring via Ethernet 0.Bug Repaired List 1.GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package01 New Features 1-1.Newly Supported GPs, GLCs 1-2.Newly Supported Protocols 1-3.GP-PRO/PBIII V6.0 Upgrade Features 1-4.Pro-Control V4.0 Upgrade Features 2.Installation Method 2-1.Prior To Installation 2-2.Installation Procedures 3.Previously Corrected Bugs 3-1.GP-PRO/PBIII for Windows Forced Shutdown 3-2.Cautions With Windows NT Systems 3-3.When Converting GPPRO2 & 3 Data 3-4.Changing Data Attributes 3-5.Rotating Objects 3-6.Individual Data Transfer 3-7.Automatic Address Increment feature for Symbol Names 3-8.Logging Data 3-9.Incorrect Manual Explanation 3-10.Cut and Paste Problem with Text Objects 3-A.Sending data via Ethernet using an older version 3-B."X" button stopping the program after Ladder Monitor is completed 4.PROPB/DOS Version Data Conversion Limitations 4-1.Text String Positioning 4-2.Label Text is Unified in 4 Rows 4-3.Tag Names 4-4.Copying X Screens 4-5.Keyboard Key Changed 4-6.Pop-up Keypads 4-7.Auto Screen Refresh is No Longer Available 4-A.Previous Ladder Program Version Compatibility 5.Uninstalling GP-PRO/PBIII 5-1.Prior to Uninstalling GP-PRO/PBIII 5-2.Uninstall Procedures **************************************** Regarding Data Transferring via Ethernet **************************************** 1.First Setup After Purchase via Ethernet Downloading the system program to the GP-2500,GP-2600,GP-2400 or GLC-2400 via Ethernet may not be completed according to the actual network traffic conditions. If this is the case, please reboot the GP and then retry again after confirming the network traffic condition. Else, download this system program via the serial cable. 2.First Setup After Purchase via Ethernet with a Router Downloading the system program to the GP-2500,GP-2600,GP-2400 or GLC-2400 via Ethernet with a router may be aborted after the "2Way-ERROR" message occur. If this the case, please reboot the GP and then retry again. 3.In the case of GP70 or GP77R series that already have either the MTOM-ETHERNET Protocol setup or 2Way Driver(Only GP77R series), only the screen data can be downloaded to the GP via Ethernet. To download the system program, you must use the serial cable. ================================= 0.Bug Repaired List ================================= --------------------------------- 0-1.GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package01 Bug Repaired List //-- V6.01a --/ 1. Log alarms that use index text cannot be correctly printed out. 2. Image text cannot be correctly shown on the computer screen. 3. With the CC-Link Intelligent Device, MITUBISHI MELSECNet/10, or Omron SYSMAC-CS1(ETHER) protocol, "Convert Addresses" cannot be correctly performed. 4. Selecting multiple objects and using the "Change Position" feature L, l, W, H, and J tags will not be correctly shifted. 5. Keypad screen cannot be uploaded via Ethernet. 6. Alarm messages created from V2.0 or older cannot be displayed via the "Global Cross Reference List" feature. 7. Simulation of LS device cannot be performed with the GP377 series. 8. Position of the image text transferred to the GP compared to the position on the editor is different. 9. Image parts or image text edited, saved, and opened again cannot be displayed correctly. 10. "D-Script" cannot be printed with the screen's "Cross Reference List". 11. Using the "Screen Copy" feature, GLC Symbols might not perform correctly. 12. GLC symbols that was set in "D-Script" will be shown as #C# when using the "Global Cross Reference List" feature. 13. "D-Script" functions that was copied from another project via the "Screen Copy" feature, and then transferred to a GP, cannot be uploaded. 14. Using index text in the label on parts, left and right justification button settings are not shown correctly. 15. The carriage return code on the end of a text line cannot be imported in the "Text Table Editor." 16. The last coordinate point will be shown as 1 dot larger in the "Change Position" dialog of the window area of the Window Screen. 17. The size of the window area of the Window Screen via "Change Position" dialog cannot be changed. 18. In the "Label Settings" of the "SIO Operation" of D-Script, the past data will become a format error. 19. When the automatic transfer preparation takes a long time, image screens cannot be transferred. 20. When performing an Address Conversion on certain PLC types, only 5 addresses can be converted within a D-Script function. 21. From the place that sets the height of the image text, the size will become one dot smaller 22. When using index text with multiple lines in the parts label, the displayed text will be shifted. 23. When uploading filing data within the CF card as well as screen data via serial transfer, the transfer will be interrupted halfway. 24. After using the transfer "Send User Selected Screens", uploading cannot be performed. However, screens transferred by the "Send User Selected Screens" can still be uploaded. ================================= 1.GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package01 New Features ================================= --------------------------------- 1-1.Newly Supported GPs, GLCs (1) GP-2500S, GP-2501S, GP-2300T, GP-2301S, GP-2300L, GP-2301L (2) GLC2600T, GLC2300T, GLC2300L (3) GP-2301HS, GP-2301HL, GP-2401HT --------------------------------- 1-2.Newly Supported Protocols (1) Toshiba Machine TC200 series (2) Matsushita Electric MINAS-S/A series (3) Keyence Corporation KV-10/16/24/40 series --------------------------------- 1-3.GP-PRO/PBIII V6.0 Upgrade Features 1-3-1.Window Parts (1) Window's settings can be easily set with Window Parts 1-3-2.Image Conversion (1) Convert additional full color bitmaps and JPEG files into Image Screens. 1-3-3.Word Log Alarm The number of registered messages have been extended from 256 to 768. 1-3-4.Operational Improvements (1) Directly call up the alarm editor or GP System settings from the screen editor. (2) Included "Jump to the designated line" within the alarm editor for easier editing. (3) The Wizard feature helps creating a project with the minimum required settings (GP System settings) when creating a new project. 1-3-5. Multi Language Display Function (GP77R, GP377, GP/GLC2000 Series) By changing the Text Table, the contents displayed on the GP's screen can be changed. 1-3-6.Pop-up Keypad Function (GP77R, GP377, GP/GLC2000 Series) Touching the Keypad Input Display automatically displays a pop-up keypad for setting numerical values. 1-3-7.Image Parts (GP/GLC2000 Series) (1) Image files (bitmap and JPEG files) can be registered as Image Parts for switches and lamp. 1-3-8.Image Fonts (GP/GLC2000 Series) (1)Windows fonts can be displayed in bitmap format. 1-3-9.Screen Snapshot Function for Simulation Screens (GP/GLC2000 Series) (1) Screens being displayed on the GP can be saved to a CF Card in JPEG file format. This can be effective and convenient during document creation. 1-3-10.Screen Capture Function (GP/GLC2000 Series) (1) Can save the screen being displayed on the GP to the CF card as a JPEG file format. 1-3-11.Extended LS Area(GP/GLC2000 Series) The user area within the LS Area is extended to LS8191, which expands both the usable and consecutive addresses. 1-3-12.Vibration Function (GP2000H Series) Runs the internal motor and vibrates the Handy-type GP. For further details about the above mentioned features, please refer to the GP-PRO/PBIII manuals. --------------------------------- 1-4.Pro-Control V4.0 Upgrade Features 1-4-1 All-in-one program design improves usability (1) Since the GLC variables are now automatically imported when the logic program is saved, the amount of user effort is reduced. (2) It is now possible to send both screens and logic program data at the same time via the new Project Manager. (3) Screen and Logic Program data are now combined in one Project File (*.PRW), which is easier to control. 1-4-2. New Instructions (only for GLC2000 Series units) (1)DECO instruction (Decode instruction) (2)ENCO instruction (Encode instruction) (3)For - Next instruction (looping instruction) 1-4-3. New System Instructions (only for GLC2000 Series units) (1)#Clock100ms: added a system variable that turns ON/OFF every 100 milliseconds. (2)#Screen: added a system variable to change screens. (3)#Year: reads out the GLC unit's Year data. (4)#Month: reads out the GLC unit's Month data. (5)#Day: reads out the GLC unit's Day data. (6)#Time: reads out the GLC unit's current Hour and Minute data. For detailed information, please refer to your manual. ================================= 2.Installation Method ================================= --------------------------------- 2-1.Prior to Installation - Be sure to close all resident application programs. --------------------------------- 2-2.Installation Procedures - The GP-PRO/PBIII for Windows Installation screen will appear after the master CD is inserted into your PC's CD-ROM drive. When this screen appear, click on "Install" to start the installation program. Note: With certain types of PCs, this Installation screen may not appear. In this case, use the Windows "Explorer" program to locate the CD-ROM's "Install.exe" file and double-click on its icon. --------------------------------- ================================= 3.Previously Corrected Bugs ================================= --------------------------------- 3-1.GP-PRO/PBIII for Windows Forced Shutdown If, while this software is operating, the Windows Program Manager performs a forced shutdown of GP-PRO/PBIII, please change one of the following settings and then restart your PC. These settings will allow you in certain cases to prevent a forced shutdown. If this type of error persists, please contact your local GP distributor for assistance. 1. When Forced Shutdown Occurs During Screen Data Creation - Modifying your PC's Hardware Accelerator setting may prevent the program from shutting down. This setting is found by clicking on the following: [Start] -> [Settings] -> [Control Panel] -> [System] -> [Performance] -> [Graphics]. Move the "Hardware Accelerator" selection to the 2nd from the left (standard) setting. 2.When Forced Shutdown Occurs During Printing Simply re-installing your printer driver may solve this problem. 3.When Forced Shutdown Occurs During Transfer (of screen data to the GP) - If the GP will not change to transfer mode during handshaking, modifying the communications port setting will sometimes correct this problem. To Modify the Communication Port Setting: [Start] -> [Settings] -> [Control Panel] -> [System] -> [Device Manager] -> [Ports (COM&LPT)] -> [Communications Port] -> [Port Settings] -> [Advanced] tab. Here, drag the "Transmit Buffer" slide to the left to a slower setting. --------------------------------- 3-2.Cautions With Windows NT Systems 1.When using the "Screen Preview" feature: The Screen Preview feature, with a screen using the 3-speed blink setting, will sometimes not use the correct blink speed or color. This problem will only occur when using this feature and your screen's settings do not need to be changed. 2.When Importing GPPRO2 Data: If an object that is included in a screen but is outside of the screen's current viewing area is being imported, a "Memory Error" will occur. In this case, move the object so that it is inside the screen display area and the screen can be correctly converted. --------------------------------- 3-3.When Converting GPPRO2 & 3 Data - A, a, Q, or X tags, if they are designated as being rotated, will be slightly offset after conversion. The object offsets are as follows: - with 90 degree rotation : moved up one dot (screen pixel) - with 180 degree rotation : moved up and to the left one dot - with 270 degree rotation : moved to the left one dot --------------------------------- 3-4.Changing Data Attributes When more than 2 Marks are selected, and one of the Marks is changed to a different size, the display of the Mark's "handles" and the Mark itself will not align. The Mark's attribute data, however, will be correctly changed. Clicking on the Mark a second time will cause the handles to appear correctly. --------------------------------- 3-5.Rotating Objects 1.When an Alarm Display is rotated 180 degrees, it will be shifted one dot up when displayed on the GP. If an object is not rotated, its display on the GP will not be shifted, in either the portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal: normal) display mode. 2.After an a-tag or an A-tag is rotated 90 or 180 degrees and saved, when it is re-opened it will be shifted one dot(pixel). If either of these tags is not rotated, its display on the GP will not be shifted, in either the portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal: normal) display mode. --------------------------------- 3-6.Sending User Selected Screens The titles "Bit Log Alarm", "Word Log Alarm", "Data Sampling" and "H70 Global Data" will always appear in the "Select Screens To Send" screen. Even if that data is not present in your project file, selecting them accidentally will not cause any data transfer errors. --------------------------------- 3-7 Automatic Address Increment feature for Symbol Names 1. Symbol names can be set up to a maximum of 20 characters. Using the Automatic Address Increment feature will increase the number of characters by attaching a suffix "+1", "+2", etc. to the symbol name. Please confirm that incremented symbol names (i.e. plus suffix) are all within 20 characters. If an incremented symbol name exceeds 20 characters, this feature may not perform as expected. --------------------------------- 3-8 Logging Data 1. The preview feature may not display correctly if the Number of Data Rows is set to more than 1600. 2. Changing the column setting to Relative mode and then clicking the OK button may cause the Display Style setting in the General Info. tab to be deleted. 3. Deleting columns may not be possible after copying a Logging (Display) file, created using 257 columns in Economy mode, to a project with the Special mode setting. --------------------------------- 3-9. Incorrect Manual Explanation 1. When creating a new project, the manual may specify the "Easy Com Settings" button as "Comm. Settings" button. --------------------------------- 3-10. Cut and Paste Problem with Text Objects Please be aware that when cutting and pasting text created from other international operating systems, the pasted text may not be correct. --------------------------------- 3-A.Sending data via Ethernet using an older version. 1. If the "C-Package01" system data is present in the GLC and an older version of [Pro-PB/III] is used to send data to the GLC, an error occurs. Be sure not to use an older version of [Pro-PB/III] to send data to a GLC that has the new "C-Package01" system data. --------------------------------- 3-B."X" button stopping the program after Ladder Monitor is completed. 1. During Ladder Monitoring, if the GLC is changed to OFFLINE mode, or the power cord is disconnected, the GLC unit's internal data transfer will not complete normally, resulting in the Pro-Control Ver. 4.0 screen window not being able to be closed even after 10 or 20 seconds. Be sure to wait 30 seconds or more before closing the window. Also, during this time, the screen's menu buttons are disabled. ================================= 4.PROPB/DOS Version Data Conversion Limitations ================================= --------------------------------- 4-1.Text String Positioning In the GP-PRO/PB3 DOS version software (hereafter referred to as "DOS"), when a text string is created, and then an object is created and placed in any way on top of (in front of) that text string, the string will be automatically moved to the front-most screen position prior to data transfer. When this data is converted to GP-PRO/PBIII for Windows (hereafter referred to as "Windows") data, if a text string and an object are grouped together, this text string data will not be moved to the front of the screen and the original position settings will be used. --------------------------------- 4-2.Label Text is Unified in 4 Rows In the previous DOS version software, text entered for a Label could be up to four rows, with each row allowed its own settings for color and positioning. With the Windows version of PRO-/PB, this data is now combined into one unit of up to four rows, which can be moved as a single object. This object must, however use only one color, and can not be separated into individual rows. Also, centering of the text is now possible. --------------------------------- 4-3.Tag Names (1) In the Windows version of GP-PRO/PBIII, duplicate Tag names are now allowed. However, when using multiple K-tags on the same drawing screen, be sure all Tag names are unique. Refer to the GP-PRO/PBIII for Windows manuals for details. (2) Chinese characters can now be entered for Tag names. (3) Tag name sizes can be either 8 X 8 or 8 x 16. --------------------------------- 4-4.Copying X Screens Since X screens can now be simply cut and pasted from the original X-screen's editor, the special file conversion used with the DOS version is no longer needed. --------------------------------- 4-5.Keyboard Key Changed The keyboard key used to create perfect circles and squares has been changed from the "Alt" key to the "Ctrl" key. --------------------------------- 4-6.Pop-Up Keypads A Pop-Up Keypad can now be called up by simply clicking in a value's input field, instead of clicking in the "Environment Settings" area. --------------------------------- 4-7.Auto Screen Refresh is No Longer Available This feature was removed to increase the speed of screen creation. Screens can be refreshed by clicking on the "Refresh" button. --------------------------------- 4-A. Previous Ladder Program Version Compatibility 1. If a program is downloaded using Pro-Control Ver. 4.0, it cannot be uploaded using an earlier version. 2. If a program is downloaded using and older version of Pro-Control Ver. 4.0, it cannot be uploaded with the new version. 3. Older version Ladder Programs (.wll) can be used in Pro-Control Ver. 4.0 by importing them. ================================= 5.Uninstalling GP-PRO/PBIII ================================= --------------------------------- 5-1.Prior to Uninstalling GP-PRO/PBIII - All GP-PRO/PBIII for Windows project data is stored in the GP-PRO "Database" folder. If necessary, make a backup of this data. - All new and modified Library Item files are saved in the CPW folder. If necessary, make a backup of this data. --------------------------------- 5-2.Uninstall Procedures Start the uninstall process by clicking on the [ProPB3Win]'s "Uninstall" selection. This will delete all unaltered files, and preserve all overwritten and newly modified files in the ProPB3 folder. After copying any necessary files from those that are remaining, delete all data. --------------------------------- Note: This document may not be reproduced, either in whole or in part. (C)2002 test ************ README.TXT **********