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 > PS Series Type-G > Back light driver update


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-- Note --
Since the installers are different between PS-400G and PS-600G, please be careful to download and install the appropriate model for your machine.
Unit Name PS-400G Series PS-600G Series
File Name Backlight_110_PS400G.CAB Backlight_110_PS600G.CAB
File Size 14KB 14KB
Description New Backlight.dll back light Driver for PS Series Type-G units.
Update Description
1. This module corrects the following:
- In low temperature and darkness, when the backlight was turned on after being off for a long time, the backlight could be incorrectly detected as burned-out.
- When API to turn on the backlight was executed, API response was interrupted until burned-out backlight monitoring starts.
If a backlight properties are set while the backlight is "off" after the API to turn off the backlight has been executed, burned-out backlight could be incorrectly detected.
- When API was used to turn on the backlight using the automatic light-off function screen saver input devices, such as keyboard, mouse, and touchpanel, became unuseable.
- Burned-out backlight could be overlooked.

Installation (This file is self-extracting.)
1. Click "Backlight_110_PS400G.cab" if you use PL-5900 Series, or click "Backlight_110_PS600G.cab" if you use PS-600G Series to download to your desired folder.
2. Copy "Backlight_110_PS400G.cab" or "Backlight_110_PS600G.cab" - here in after written as a "CAB file" - to the CF Card, and insert the CF Card in your PS Series Type G unit.
3. Start up Windows Explorer, copy CAB file from the CF Card's [Storage Card1] folder and paste it to the PS unit's [Temp] folder.
4. Double-click CAB file.
5. In the installing dialog box, confirm that the path "\Windows\" is selected as the installation destination folder and click "OK".
6. When "Confirm File Replace" dialog box appears, click "Yes".
7. Select "Backup" in the Control panel, and save the PS unit's current environment settings to the CF card.
8. Restart the PS-G unit.

-- To the customers using the "Netscape" browser --
If you use the Netscape browser, select "Save Link Target As..." in the menu displayed by clicking the right mouse button, and then download a file to the desired folder.

Last Updated: July.12.2004
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