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To use this update, the Enhanced Write Filter (hereafter described as "EWF") must be set to "Disable".
After disabling EWF with the EWFSettingTool.
Please restart your system before installing. |
- |
Please close all applications before installing, including KeyClick. |
Name |
PS370xA XP Embedded Version Up(E)050328.exe |
Size |
1,873KB |
Supported Models |
PS-3700A (EdenTM) (Model: PS3700A-T41-ASU-E66)
PS-3700A (EdenTM) (Model: PS3701A-T41-DU-E66)
The above models equipped with the Windows® XP Embedded CF card. |
Correspondence CF Card |
Model (English): PSA-XPE1G-E66-E1-BLD |
Description |
1. |
The following issues were corrected: |
- |
KeyClick will not change the font size. |
Installation (This file is self-extracting.) |
1. |
Download "PS370xA XP Embedded Version Up(E)050328.exe"
Click on "PS370xA XP Embedded Version Up(E)050328.exe"and download the data to the desired folder on your PC.
* |
If the update module cannot be downloaded to the PS-370*A unit, please download temporarily to the another PC, and copy the module to the PS-370*A unit where you want to install the module. |
2. |
Set EWF to "Disable" if it is set to "Enable", and restart your system. |
3. |
Quit all applications before installing. |
4. |
Double-click the downloaded file "PS370xA XP Embedded Version Up(E)050328.exe". |
5. |
Start the installation process according to the installer. |
6. |
After the completion of installation, EWF switched to "Enable" when needed, and restart your system. |
Last Updated:March 29, 2005 |