



>PL3000系列 >AHCI Driver (For Windows 2000 Installation)


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  • Install this driver in the case of the following.
  • In the case that you have a HDD without an OS installed and set "SATA AHCI Configuration" as "Enable" to install the OS.
  • Basically, it's unnecessary to install if you have used the HDD with an OS preinstalled
Title AHCI Driver (For Installation)
File Name AHCI_Intel_6211002.exe
File Size 212KB
Supported OS
  • Windows® 2000
Description Driver produced by Intel®
Needed when installing the OS after setting "SATA AHCI Configuration" as "Enable" in BIOS
Important Note When the model as shown below is used, the above-mentioned OS cannot be installed with this driver.

Type without the preinstalled OS
Model Software Revision Volume Label
APL3000-SD16-BLD [-] [-]

= Extracting (Opening) the file (This file is self-extracting.) =

  1. Click "AHCI_Intel_6211002.exe" to download it to the appropriate folder.
  2. Put the floppy disk into the drive.
  3. Double-click the downloaded file.
  4. Confirm that the file extraction destination is "A:¥".
  5. When [OK] is clicked, the file is extracted. (If the same name file has already existed, it is overwritten.)

= Setting BIOS =

  1. Connect the keyboard and the floppy disk drive with the main unit and turn it on.
  2. After the blue screen is displayed, press "F2" key on the keyboard to display the BIOS setup screen.
  3. Press "Arrow" key on the keyboard to select the [Integrated Device Configuration] menu in the [Advanced] menu and press "Enter" key.
  4. Press "Arrow" key to point the cursor to [SATA Operational Mode] and press "+" or "-" key to set as [Enhanced]. (The default setting is [Enhanced].)
  5. Also, set [AHCI Configuration] as [Enable]. (The default setting is [Enable].)
  6. Press "F10" key, then "Enter" key to save the BIOS setting and restart the main unit.

= Installing =

  1. Connect the keyboard, the CD-ROM drive, and the floppy disk drive with the main unit.
  2. Put the OS install disk into the CD-ROM drive.
  3. Put the floppy disk extracted "AHCI_Intel_6211002.ex" into the floppy disk drive.
  4. Boot from the CD-ROM drive to start the OS installation.
  5. Once the installation starts, the indication of “Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver...” is displayed in the status line (at the bottom on the screen), then press "F6" on the keyboard. (The screen is not instantly changed even pressing "F6".)
  6. After a while, the driver request screen is displayed, then press "S" key on the keyboard.
  7. Select "Intel(R) 82801GBM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile ICH7M/DH)” on the screen displayed for selecting an AHCI Controller type, and press "Enter" key.
  8. Without removing the floppy disk, complete the installation by following the instructions displayed on the screen.

Posted : Oct. 5, 2007

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